Tuesday, November 13, 2012

This Love Affair

This Love Affair

This love affair's been going on for years !
What ? What fuels a flame that endears
A relationship to outlast earthly fears
Of outward affection, of overt tears ?

Cordwood stacked by fore bearers, I suppose,
Or chestnut coal nugget parents at repose,
Maybe, a pilot flame honor which we chose,
Or warm sun rays coaxing forth a fragrant rose .

Out in the open in the bright light of day
Dressing and disrobing simple back yard play
That everyone observing is so fond to say,
" What loving affection this public display."

South of the railroad I look to the right,
The end of the garden absorbs my sight,
Dancing and swaying to a breeze calling night,
Late autumn season brings passions to height.

I'm timid to stop and just ask their name ,
Their aim to live simple without any shame .
But why do I write ? I seek them no fame .
To grow the best fig tree in town - their game .

Ronald C. Downie

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