Of, By, and For ...
I learned that back in my childhood there was a time when citizens of certain countries were hoodwinked into dream able thoughts of imperialism by deranged dictators. In true dictator fashion, starting out with loud lies, small cadres of malleable people, long starved for attention, gravitated to lies like they were mana from heaven. They provided the fervor of combined voices which reverberated thru their countries and led the populous to ultimate defeat. Germany, Italy, and Japan were among these countries where impressionable people became the tails that wagged the dog.
Now, closer to the exit from this life experience, I get an up close view of similar circumstances right here in The United States Of America from homegrown malleable people. Similarities are indelible ! The outcome must not be allowed to follow suit !
Being a country of laws initiated by a Constitution that spells out why all men are created equal ; we, who are of free mind and sound of body, agree to be governed by this body of laws. Laws apply to all regardless of stature, of wealth, and of personal aggrandizement. Some who distain the Constitution, our hallowed document, also disparage some citizens because of skin color, of religion, of gender affiliation, of not acquiring personnel wealth, and because of having some physical abnormality. These people are toxic and must be singled out so their voices do not drowned out the vast majority who enjoy the freedom given them by the Constitution.
Of, by, for the people !
Ronald C. Downie
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