Saturday, February 28, 2015

"Term Limits" Time Has Come

I've expressed my feelings about "Term Limits" in a post where I repeated what I've just posted on Twitter.

I too have warm feelings for many of the federal legislators I've voted for, but, that's somewhat false.  We need legislators who are up to the job, proficient in their organization to administer for the public's needs and wants certainly knowing the difference. Limiting length of service wouldn't alter an elector's proficiency and it just may enhance it. Warm feelings are nice but governance, as many say, is like making sausage. When you see it done, you usually lose your appetite for it.

Time for "Term Limits" has arrived hopefully before  congress allows irreparable harm to our system. One man one vote is an illusion : the House is population based but the Senate is not. Two Senate seats from each state independent of their size in population. States of sparse population weald enormous power proportionate to their number of citizens. Imbalance is used as a sort of power; illusion's a sly fox which pulls the wool over a sleepy constituency. "Term Limits" is aboveboard and self governing whose time has come.

Ronald C. Downie

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