The Schuylkill River always acts just like a normal river, accepting the weather as it develops no matter what. The River, though, has no control over how the public treats (respects)its major natural asset to the displeasure of many users. The River series continues.
Flood Twins
Twice this week the river Schuylkill rose
And flowed brown muddy where she chose :
Water charging, frenzied rapids dance,
Backwaters calm, sneaky their advance .
Rising ? Receding ? Gauged with a stone
Set water's edge, for a time left alone .
Not identical were these flooding twins,
Apocalyptic ? Yes, shows humans' sins .
The First :
Floating styrofoam, man's sallow garbage,
Pock marked the river's surface, carnage,
As pusses acne on a fair, young, soft face .
The Schuykill, a life sustainer, in disgrace .
The Second :
Water cleansed of visual degradation
Recalls an era before coal fed the nation,
When early Americans native to this turf
Worshiped at council their deity, Mother Earth .
She, who connects hard rocks with trees,
Listens to song birds, admires honey bees,
Blesses tall mountains, stars, and pure waters,
Connects one to all, especially fathers to daughters.
Ronald C . Downie
(1993, late November early December,floods)
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