Monday, January 11, 2016

Bonnie Lee Downie, words in verse form

Dear Bonnie, Happy Birthday !

Our chief gamester is you, daughter Bonnie-
Pudding Pop, Water Splash, Candy Crush Saga-
Are just a few to pick from a long list.

Sorry, I don't play on-screen games, too dumb.
Also, "too early old and too late smart",
The last of a forgotten breed, am I.

First born, you are accumulating years
In your own way, one at a time, slowly.
May good health embrace you for your whole life.

Tapping away you danced and danced through time
Gathering energy, dispensing life.
Into the past go sweet pictures of you.

No matter your struggle, you did survive
Through thick or thin, like cream rising up,up.
Not setbacks, but getting up again, counts.

My love for you transcends the passing years,
No matter how entwined we've lived our lives.
Life's what we make of what we are given.

I hope the coming years are well for you,
Rich in fulfillment, sweet in pleasantries.
Happy Birthday ! With many more to follow !

Happy Birthday, Bonnie Lee
Love, Connie&Dad

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