Saturday, October 24, 2015

Texas rains may be headed our way as will the remnants of Hurricane Patricia. Are we ready or are we just unconcerned ?

I'm sorry to be a worrywart but I've written to the borough multiple times about the impending problem with the King Street Bridge. When the dam was still intact below the High Street Bridge it created a damning of water up stream almost to Beech Street. It was upstream there where the beginning of slack water caused pebbles and sand to filter out and islands developed. But under the King St. bridge full currents of creek water flowed.

Today, as an aftermath of removing that dam, islands of silt have clogged one of the two channel openings under the bridge reducing the gross amount of storm water which can freely flow under it. The borough has cut down the growth of voluntary vegetation growing on the island upstream but this island is still a storm impediment, at least it was two weeks ago.

If you remember the past times when the Manatawny overflowed its banks and many homes and businesses were flooded out. If the county and the town get their acts together they could dredge the creek and remove these island obstructions. 

Ronald C. Downie

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